abruptio | Breaking off. |
anabasis | An ascent in scale. |
anadiplosis | Repitition of a ending clause pattern at the beginning of another clause. |
anaphora | Repitition of a group of notes at the beginning of successive clauses. |
anastrophe | Inversion of the usual order of notes. |
anticlimax | Arrangement of groups of notes in decreasing order of intensity. |
anthiteton | Juxtaposition of opposite meanings (counterpoint, rhythm, harmony). |
antithesis | Juxtaposition of contrasting ideas. |
aposiopesis | A pause (breakin off) in musical speech of affect (emotion). |
apposition | The placing of two elemets side by side, such that the second element defines the first element. |
cacophony | Juxtaposition of notes that produces a harsh sound (durezze). |
catabasis | A descending scale. |
chiasmus | Order of notes in one phrase, is repeated in another phrase, but inverted in the other phrase. |
circumlocution | "Playing around" a theme by subsituting or adding notes. |
climax | Arrangement of notes in increasing order of intensity. |
commoratio | Repitition of an idea. |
ellipsis | Omission of a cadence. |
epanalepsis | Repitition of the initial notes of a phrase at the end of the phrase (partially palindromic: a ... a'). |
epistrophe | Repitition of the same group of notes at the end of successive phrases. See "anaphora". |
euphony | A pleasant sounding exclamation (affective), using a note which is a third or a fourth below. |
irony | Music that has a meaning (textual) that is opposite to the affect of the music. |
isocolon | Parallel structures of the same length in successive clauses. |
hypotyposis | A lively description of an action, event, person or an emotion. |
onomatopoeia | Notes that imitate a real sound (birds, chirps, rippling water, rustling leaves, etc.) |
parallelism | Use of similar structures in two or more clauses. |
paraprosdokian | An unexpected ending or truncation of a clause. For example, a " |
paronomasia | In music, the repitition of a musical idea with the same notes, but with a few alterations (melodic, dynamic, rhythmic). |
parrhesia | In music, "durezze" (dissonances). |
passus duriusculus | "Strange" or unusual intervals or chords, such as a seventh, an augmented second, fourth, or fifth. |
polyptoton | Repitition of notes or musical patterns from the same theme in a different context. |
symploce | Simultaneous use of anphora and epistrophe. "a .... b", in successive phrases as "a .... b". |
suspension | Delayed resolution. |
suspiratio | A phrase that imitates an affective "sigh". |
tmesis | Two contiguous phrases separated by a pause (may function as a "suspiratio"). |
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